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Ebook Writing Guidebook

Product Code EM2610
Product Name: Ebook Writing Guidebook
Category: MY Books
Star Rating: Not Available
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Original Price: S$ 7.50
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Ebook Writing Guidebook

This is an ebook writing slidedeck used for our ebook writing workshop.
It covers from the preparation required prior to attending the workshop, the desired outcomes, what is ebook and why write an ebook. This guidebook also shares a writer's competency model, criteria to be an ebook writer and the writing framework. Comprehensive writing steps with relevant sample pages and ebook covers are the main focus. And of course, once your ebook is ready, you would want to know what are the next steps - where and how to promote and market your ebook. And the potential income you stand to gain from joining a supportive ebook platform. Wait no more! Get this guidebook now!

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